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Responsible Conduct of Research (Tri-Agency)

About This Course

The Canadian Tri-Agency Framework on Responsible Conduct of Research

By the end of this module, learners will be able to:
1. Understand the objectives of the Canadian Tri-Agency Framework on Responsible Conduct of Research.
2. Describe common breaches to the Canadian Tri-Agency Framework on Responsible Conduct of research.
3. Illustrate how the responsible conduct of research is relevant to submission of grant applications.


There are no prior requirements to take this course. This course is targeted at all Canadian-based researchers and is relevant to all career levels, including trainees.

Course Staff

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Dr. David Moher

Dr. David Moher is a senior scientist, clinical epidemiology program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, where he directs the centre for journalology (publication science) ( Dr. Moher is also an Associate Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, where he holds a University Research Chair. Dr. Moher holds an MSc in epidemiology and PhD in clinical epidemiology and biostatistics. Dr. Moher has been involved in developing the science of how to optimally conduct and report systematic reviews for most of his professional career. Another part of his research has focused on how best to develop reporting guidelines. He spearheaded the development of the CONSORT statement and the PRISMA statement. He has been actively involved in the development of many other reporting guidelines and is part of the EQUATOR Network. Dr. Moher leads an active program investigating predatory journals and publishers. More recently Dr. Moher led a program to develop core competencies for scientific journal editors. He is actively developing a program to investigate alternatives to current incentives and rewards in academic medicine. Dr. Moher has been recognized several times as a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (Web of Science).

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Dr. Kelly Cobey

Dr. Kelly Cobey`s research focuses on examining the methods used to conduct and report health research. She audits existing practices and develops and evaluates novel practices in this area. Her work addresses questions like: What are the consequences of reporting bias and poor quality reporting? How can researchers most effectively share their study findings and materials? What supports do researchers need to conduct their work transparently and openly? By addressing these key questions, Dr. Cobey aims to drive improvements in health research dissemination.
